
Nursing Among Most Meaningful Jobs

NursingApril 20, 2017

There’s more to choosing a career than just salary expectations. Most people want to do something they really enjoy while achieving the satisfaction of a job well-done. When exploring the top 20 college programs that lead to meaningful careers, Payscale noted that 78% of those involved in health-related jobs find their work to be “meaningful.” When it comes to nursing, that figure rises to roughly 84%.

Not only is nursing a meaningful profession, it pays quite well, too. According to, the starting median pay for nurses is more than $56,000, rising by mid-career to the mid $70,000s. But the career benefits aren’t just monetary.

Clinical and Emotional Rewards

The rewards of nursing are many, and they come at both the clinical and emotional levels. Best of all, these rewards can be experienced not just daily but several times each day. A major reward is knowing your training and skills help save lives. Saving a life is quite a feat. Doing it in the course of performing your job really is quite amazing…and rewarding.

Playing a role in life’s most meaningful happenings, such as helping deliver a newborn, then placing that baby into the hands of the proud, new mother or father is emotionally rewarding. At the other spectrum, while deeply sad in and of itself, providing comfort and consoling those who’ve just lost a loved one can fill you with a sense of having contributed to their emotional healing. That, too, is rewarding.

A study published in The Online Journal of Issues in Learning found that the fostering of meaning and mentorship as a part of the culture of nursing was a central issue in why the profession was so rewarding. In fact, researchers said: “It is essential that nurses find meaning in their work to give them the strength to carry on…”

Healthcare as a Meaningful Career Choice

It is evident that inspired nurses are vital to the delivery of quality health care. That alone makes the profession a meaningful and rewarding career choice. If it’s a path you hope to follow, Fortis Colleges and Institutes have received international recognition for their leadership in using simulation technology to educate nursing students.

Fortis nursing programs create supportive learning environments for students who will become tomorrow’s nurses. To learn more and to find the campus nearest you offering a nursing program, visit our site.

Hear from Fortis graduates why they chose the nursing field and what they love about their job everyday: